Elite series place in the soccer market...

NIKE WC Elite Boots

With the introduction of elite boots by Nike and now adidas we have seen the price of boots increase. Furthermore, many of us Footy fans wonder why the increase in price, who is buying these boots, and why form an elite series/professional level boot is being available to public.
Adidas SL/Elite version of the adiPURE IV
The first answer to the price increase is the materials used but also with the boots weight is a major factor for consumers/players. Since the rise of the mercurial series boots have been dropping weight to what we now call the speed boot race. Over the years manufacturers/companies have put millions of dollars into testing and development to create the lightest boot on the market. It is called an elite boot because it is the top of the line, materials, weight, and not to mention it is what you see the professionals wearing. In the end, you are ultimately paying for the technology that went to produce the boots.

Furthermore, with these boots set at the prices they are at people keep wondering why make an elite boot, who is buying these boots? Well if you are an elite or serious soccer player in the world you want the best technology and the best boot money can buy. I have tested cheap boots in the past and compared to an elite boot there is no comparing. The comfort, fit, and performance enhance your ability on the field and are far superior then its knock down boot. Furthermore, equipment plays a major role in sports but in soccer specifically the boot you wear says a lot about you and your needs as a player in order to get the job done on the field. I personally believe there is a certain boot for everyone and that certain/perfect boot depends on your foot shape, the level of soccer you play, and position.

In the end, I believe football companies created another series/silo specifically focussing on the athletes needs and wants, that is why it is elite. However, through satisfying their needs companies like Nike and adidas have made a new silo which it geared towards the professionals or players that play at a high level that want the best money can buy. In this, by creating the elite series boots football companies were able to introduce a new silo/series to give consumers more options. The test subject were the elite boots Nike created for the world cup which were very successful and created a demand for elite boots because consumers saw those boots/specs and wanted the best money could buy, they did not care about the price point but rather cared who was wearing it, how much it weighed, and how cool it looked.

In my opinion, players/boots are categorized by four different categories;

Elite level- new market
Pro level
Club level
Intro level

Why do you think consumers are now buying the elite vs the pro level boots? Technology, fit, performance? I am interested in hearing other peoples opinions regarding the elite series of boots. Negatives, positives, etc.